Dealing with MySQL nulls and unique constraint | by Aleksandra Sikora | Medium

If you have a database system with soft deletes and unique indexes you might have faced some problems. Imagine that a user deleted some record and wants to add another one with the same unique value…
— Weiterlesen

#database, #msql, #unique

#database, #java


#database, #sql

#algorithm, #database

Bloomberg, the news agency and the biggest provider of Wall Street data in the world, all of their stuff goes through SQLite, or at least our parser. They took the front end of SQLite, the SQL parser and code generator and execution engine, and chopped off the data storage engine and include their own enterprise scale, massively concurrent, a multi data center storage engine on the backside. All of Bloomberg goes through that, which I think is pretty amazing.

#database, #sqlite

select concat(‘optimize table `’,table_schema,’`.`’, table_name, ’`;– ’, round(DATA_FREE/ 1024/1024), ’/’, round(DATA_LENGTH/ 1024/1024), ’ mb free’) from information_schema.tables
where table_schema!=’information_schema’ and DATA_FREE > 100*1024*1024;

#database, #mysql, #optimize

Good Spirits: Syncing Data Statelessly — Archagon Was Here

Good Spirits: Syncing Data Statelessly — Archagon Was Here

#database, #swift, #synchronized

Good Spirits: Syncing Data Statelessly — Archagon Was Here

Good Spirits: Syncing Data Statelessly — Archagon Was Here

#database, #swift, #synchronized

Update your Database Schema Without Downtime

Update your Database Schema Without Downtime

Update your Database Schema Without Downtime

#database, #java